Monday, April 13, 2009

Connection Across Time WWI

World War I was the first war in which machines began to replace hand to hand combat on the battlefield. The men of WWI were the first to be separated from their enemies by tons of steel tanks and fighter planes. This allowed for more violence as the soldiers felt separated from the victims of the havoc they proliferated. Since WWI -- rightly called the first modern war -- soldiers in every war have experienced this a same separation. 
The planes that bombed London during WWII had thier roots in the technology  of the  previous war, and, like the pilots of  WWI, these men could not see that they were destroying the lives of innocent civilians. This problem is still faced today during the "War on Terror" and conflicts throughout the world. Dogfights such as those that occured between fighter planes in WWI still exist todag, yet the use of technology to create destruction. Bombs which once dropped haphazardly from planes are now sallelite-guided missiles that could strike anywhere on earth.
The technology that was created during WWI; tanks, fighter planes, and toxic gas, have formed the base of every technical advance in war since. However, more imporantly, WWI changed the face of war from supposedly noble combat to a mechanically operated gamble between life and death. For the first time, it was not man fighting man but plane fighting plane or gun dueling gun. Modern weapons technology began during WWI, changing the face of war forever.  Indirectly, we could blame this war for making our current war mpossible.

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