Monday, May 18, 2009


Taking AP European History this year was probably one of the best decisions that I've made this year. It was pleasantly challenging compared to other social studies classes that I've taken in the past (granted, I've only taken summer school classes in high school). I feel that I've learned important study skills. Before this class I never had any reason to read the text book, but FRQ assignments forced me to read the chapters in order to answer the questions. This, in addition to time management skills, are something that I will use later in my academic career. I feel that these are my strengths. The matching sections of the tests are something that I would consider a weakness. I have no idea how I would have studied for these sections (like the midterm section on which I missed every question). Overall, I feel that this class has taught me more about history than any class I've ever taken before. I've learned most from class instruction and individual assignments. I can't remember much of anything that I was supposed to have learned from other people's presentations.

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